Sunday, May 11, 2003

POETRY TIME AT DME.COM...Bongos recommended....

We typed in the address for at Rob's Amazing Poem Generator and we were moved by the result...

Dead Man Eating...Last meal! eating
meal was Tuesday at 6 2003 stuffed
crust combo pizza with chili and
water for second! they hang in
garlic butter; macaroni and Savior Jesus Christ
perhaps your
last ten diners david brewer had a fried
chicken breast; French fries and four different
and a earl
bramlett virginia april
24, 2003 none
requested no requests for
the site. drop us
killer meal. was Tuesday at
6 a.lot of course, see
dme com store is about in china?
since 1977, only an ice
cream; sandwich with
lettuce, pickle, onion, tomato, sauce,
a steak grilled medium Dr Pepper on the
dme com , store is open!!!
be fried.

Be fried, indeed...