Monday, December 08, 2003


An addition, a good story and a follow-up....


Eagle-eyed reader Kris noticed that the last words for Robbie Lyons were incomplete. It should read...

"It is from Allah that I come and it is to Allah that I return. If my death brings another person happiness, then I'm happy for them."

Thanks, Kris. We need all the help we can get.


We want to share this story that Bill S. of Indiana, sent in. It is straight out of the "The Front Page/My Girl Friday" school of reporting....

I am a retired newspaperman. I know of a reporter who many years ago was covering an execution. The doomed man ordered a steak, potatoes, salad and such, but when the meal arrived, the convict, suffering a case of nerves, lost his appetite. After the execution took place, the reporter stole back to the man's cell on death row and ate the meal.

Ah, that fourth estate....


From last week...

Will S. writes...

....Finally, I did not easily find the famous story of the Texas man who asked for his meal to be fed to a homeless person. This should be featured on every site like yours....

We comply...

Robert Madden, Texas (natch), was executed on 5/28/1997 for the murder of two men. He asked that final meal be provided to a homeless person

We were unable to find out if that request was fulfilled.

Happily, Will S. followed-up on the fate of this culinary gesture. Adding, "I have to say this man is my hero. Obviously, a state who would execute a man who has real compassion demonstrates the futility of capital punishment. I know I couldn't pull the switch on a man who made this last request."

Will sent in an article of an art show review. One of the artist did a quasidocumentary on last meals and toward the end of the review, Mr. Madden was mentioned....

Robert Anthony Madden asked that a meal be given to a homeless person instead of him. (The request was denied.)

The request was denied.